Durch patientenorientierte klinische Studien und Grundlagenforschung können Pankreastumore erforscht und die Behandlung stetig verbessert werden.
Am Pankreaszentrum Marburg wird ausgiebig in nationalen und internationalen Forschungsverbünden zu endokrinen und exokrinen Pankreastumoren geforscht.
Viele Forschungsvorhaben werden aufgrund ihrer hohen Qualität z.B. durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), die EU und die Deutsche Krebshilfe gefördert.
Zudem steht unserem Forschungslabor ein transgenes Tumormausmodell zu Verfügung, das erstmalig die Entstehung des humanen Pankreaskarzinoms widerspiegelt.
Einen Überblick gibt die Auflistung der wichtigsten Publikationen aus den letzten Jahren:
Early endocrine neoplasia of the pancreas
Fendrich V, Bartsch DK.
Chirurg, 89:266-
Prognosis of sporadic resected small (≥2cm) nonfunctional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors – a multi-
Sallinen VJ, Le Large TYS, Tieftrunk E, Galeev S, Kovalenko Z, Haugvik SP, Antila A, Franklin O, Mantinez-
Sauvanet A, Falconi M, Ceyhan GO, Gaujoux S.
HPB (Oxford), 20:251-
Sarcopenia and sarcopenic obesity are significantly associated with poorer overall survival in patients with pancreatic cancer: Systematic review and meta-
Mintziras I, Miligkos M, Wächter S, Manoharan J, Maurer E, Bartsch DK
Int J Surg, 59:19-
Waldmann J, Fendrich V, Reichert M, Hecker A, Bartsch DK, Padberg W, Holler JPN.
J Surg Res, 223:230-
Polenta V, Slater EP, Kann PH, Albers MB, Manoharan J, Ramaswamy A, Mahnken AH, Bartsch DK.
World J Surg, 42:1440-
Mintziras I, Keck T, Werner J, Fichtner-
World J Surg, Epub ahead of print (2018)
Wanek J, Gaisberger M, Beyreis M, Mayr C, Helm K, Primavesi F, Jäger T, Di Fazio P, Jakab M, Wagner A, Neureiter D, Kiesslich T.
Int J Mol Sci, 19:3128-
German National Case Collection for familial pancreatic Cancer (FaPaCa) -
Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice, 16:17-
Surgical strategies for small sporadic neuroendocrine pancreatic tumors
Holzer K
Chirurg, 89:422-
Klieser E, Urbas R, Swierczynski S, Stättner S, Primavesi F, Jäger T, Mayr C, Kiesslich T, Di Fazio P, Helm K, Neureiter D.
Int J Mol Sci, 19:2781 (2018)
Genetic and pharmacologic abrogation of Snail1 inhibits acinar-
Oncogene, 37:1845-
The European Study Group on Cystic Tumours of the Pancreas. Marco Del Chiaro, Marc G Besselink, Lianne Scholten, Marco J Bruno, Djuna L Cahen, Thomas M Gress, Jeanin E van Hooft, Markus M, Lerch, Julia Mayerle, Thilo Hackert, SoheiSatoi,Alessandro Zerbi, David Cunningham, Claudio De Angelis, Marc Giovannini, Enrique de-
John P Neoptolemos, Aldis Pukitis, Ralf Segersvärd, A Aghdassi, S Andrianello, P Bossuyt, R Bülow, K Cárdenas-
M Schmidt, L Venezia, F Volker, M-
Gut, 67:789-
Matrood S, Wissniowski TT, Wiese D, Griesmann H, Egidi M, Wanzel M, Stiewe T, Buchholz M, Gress T,
Bartsch DK, Di Fazio P
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, 56:e234 (2018)
The indications for laparoscopic pancreatectomy.
Siech M, Strauss P, Huschitt S, Bartsch DK, Wittel U, Keck T.
Dtsch Arztebl Int. 114:263-
StuDoQ Pancreas study group and members of StuDoQ|Pancreas registry of the German Society for General and Visceral Surgery (DGAV). Laparoscopic versusopen distal pancreatectomy-
Wellner UF, Lapshyn H, Bartsch DK, Mintziras I, Hopt UT, Wittel U, Krämling HJ, Preissinger-
Int J Colorectal Dis, 32:273-
Prognosis of sporadic resected small (≤2 cm) nonfunctional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors -
a multi-
The Official Journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association 1-
Double germline mutations in APC and BRCA2 in an individual with a pancreatic tumor
Goehringer C, Sutter C, Kloor M, Gebert J, Slater EP, Keller M, Treiber I, Ganschow P, Kadmon M, Moog U.
Familial Cancer, 16:303-
Preoperative imaging overestimates the tumor size in pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1.
Polenta V, Slater EP, Kann PH, Albers MB, Manoharan J, Ramaswamy A, Mahnken AH, Bartsch DK
World J Surg. Epub, first online Oct 26 (2017)
Systematic review of active surveillance versus surgical management of asymptomatic small non-
rich V, Bartsch DK, Falconi M.
Br J Surg, 104:34-
ENETS consensus guidelines for standard of care in neuroendocrine tumours: surgery for small intestinal and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours.
Partelli S, Bartsch DK, Capdevila J, Chen J, Knigge U, Niederle B, Nieveen van Dijkum EJM, Pape UF, Pascher A, Ramage J, Reed N, R
uszniewski P, Scoazec
JY, Toumpanakis C, Kianmanesh R, Falconi M;
Neuroendocrinology, 2017;105:255-
ENETS Consensus recommendations for the standards of care in neuroendocrine neoplasms: Follow-
Sundin A, Vullierme MP
Neuroendocrinology 105:310-
Comprehensive immunohistochemical analysis of histone deacetylases in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: HDAC5 as a predictor of poor clinical outcome
Klieser E, Urbas R, Stättner S, Primavesi F, Jäger T, Dinnewitzer A, Mayr C,
Kiesslich T, Holzmann K, Di Fazio P, Neureiter D, Swierczynski S.
Hum Pathol; 65:41-
Early endocrine neoplasia of the pancreas.
Fendrich V, Bartsch DK
Chirurg, Epub Nov 2 (2017)
Surgical therapy of sporadic pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasias G1/G2.
Fendrich V, Bartsch DK
Visc Med, 33:344-
Eckhardt S, Schicker C, Maurer E, Fendrich V, Bartsch DK.
Dig Surg. 33:406-
Wiese D, Kampe K, Waldmann J, Heverhagen AE, Bartsch DK, Fendrich V.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 101:937-
ENETS consensus guidelines update for the management of patients with functional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors and non-
Falconi M, Eriksson B, Kaltsas G, Bartsch DK, Capdevila J, Caplin M,
Neuroendocrinology 103:153-
Modulation of PKM alternative splicing by PTBP1 promotes gemcitabine resistance in pancreatic cancer cells.
Calabretta S, Bielli P, Passacantilli I, Pilozzi E, Fendrich V, Capurso G, Fave GD, Sette C.
Oncogene 35:2031-
Refinement of screening for familial pancreatic cancer.
Bartsch DK, Slater EP, Carrato A, Ibrahim IS, Guillen-
Gut 65:1314-
Goehringer C, Sutter C, Kloor M, Gebert J, Slater EP, Keller M, Treiber I, Ganschow P, Kadmon M, Moog U.
Fam Cancer, Epub Nov 12 (2016)
Minimally invasive versus open pancreatic surgery in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1.
Lopez CL, Albers MB, Bollmann C, Manoharan J, Waldmann J, Fendrich V, Bartsch DK.
World J Surg; 40:1729-
The benefit of surveillance for pancreatic cancer in high-
Vasen H, Ibrahim I, Ponce CG, Slater EP, Matthäi E, Carrato A, Earl J, Robbers K, van Mil AM, Potjer T, Bonsing BA, de Vos Tot Nederveen Cappel WH, Bergman W, Wasser M, Morreau H, Klöppel G, Schicker C, Steinkamp M, Figiel J,Esposito I, Mocci E, Vazquez-
J Clin Oncol, 34:2010-
Laparoscopic versus open distal pancreatectomy-
Wellner UF, Lapshyn H, Bartsch DK, Mintziras I, Hopt UT, Wittel U, Krämling HJ, Preissinger-
Int J Colorectal Dis, Epub Nov 4 (2016)
Familial Pancreatic Cancer: To Screen or not to Screen.
Vasen HF, Bartsch DK
EBioMedicine 2:1858-
Molecular Characterization and Pathogenesis of Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms of the Pancreas.
Eur Surg Res 55: 352-
EndoplasmicReticulum Stress in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors is Linked to Clinicopathological Parameters and Possible Epigenetic Regulations.
Kemmerling R, Bollmann C, Di Fazio P, Neureiter D.
Anticancer Res 35:6127-
Lichtenauer UD, Di Dalmazi G, Slater EP, Wieland T, Kuebart A, Schmittfull
A, Schwarzmayr T, Diener S, Wiese D, Thasler WE, Reincke M, Meitinger T,
Schott M, Fassnacht M, Bartsch DK, Strom TM, Beuschlein F.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 100:E776-
Partelli S, Inama M, Rinke A, Begum N, Valente R, Fendrich V, Tamburrino D
Keck T, Caplin ME, Bartsch DK, Thirlwell C, Fusai G, Falconi M.
Neuroendocrinology 102:68-
Potjer TP, Bartsch DK, Slater EP, Matthäi E, Bonsing BA, Vasen HF.
Gut 64:1342-
LCN2 and TIMP1 as potential serum markers for the early detection of familial pancreatic cancer
Slater EP, Fendrich V, Strauch K, Rospleszcz S, Ramaswamy A, Matthäi E, Chaloupka B, Gress TM, Langer P, Bartsch DK.
Transl Oncol 2013; 6:99-
MicroRNAs 196a and 196b as potential biomarkers for the early detection of familial pancreatic cancer.
Slater EP, Strauch K, Rospleszcz S, Ramaswamy A, Esposito I, Klöppel G, Matthäi E, Heeger K, Fendrich V, Langer P, Bartsch DK.
Ann Surg 2013; eingereicht.
Multiple small "imaging" branch-
Bartsch DK, Dietzel K, Bargello M, Matthaei E, Klöppel G, Esposito I, Heverhagen JT, Gress TM, Slater EP, Langer P.
Fam Cancer 2013; 12:89-
Variation in Precursor Lesions of Pancreatic Cancer among High-
Potjer TP, Schot I, Langer P, Heverhagen JT, Wasser MN, Slater EP, Klöppel G, Morreau HM, Bonsing BA, de Vos Tot Nederveen Cappel WH, Bargello M, Gress TM, Vasen HF, Bartsch DK; on behalf of the Leiden Familial Pancreatic Cancer Group and the FaPaCa registry.
Clin Cancer Res. 2013; 19:442-
Familial pancreatic cancer-
Bartsch DK, Gress TM, Langer P.
Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2012; 9:445-
Origin of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma from atypical flat lesions: a comparative study in transgenic mice and human tissues.
Aichler M, Seiler C, Tost M, Siveke J, Mazur PK, Da Silva-
J Pathol 2012; 226:723-